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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Correcting the Swing


You guys made 2010 an unforgettable year for me and my promise to you is that 2011 will be the year you that you got you in the best physical shape of your life. How do we do we that?

  1. FUN...hard grueling physical work can be's a love/hate thing. 
  2. Keep delivering ass kicking workouts that develop an amazing level of work capacity and that make you physically and mentally stronger. 
  3. Start tracking data....
What does #3 mean? A bunch of things that we need to get better at. 

First off we're (on a lot of these things when I say "we" I really mean "you") gonna start tracking attendance better. You need to commit to a minimum of 3 days a week if you want to start reaching your goals. So we're getting extra white board and each person will have their space where they will tick off a mark for each time they train. It will be a visual reminder for that month on often they came in to get better.

To really get the results you want you're diet has got to be on track. I'll get into the specifics at a later date on what to eat. But how do we keep track of what we eat? A daily food journal? That's so 2000s...I've been reading the 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferriss and I great suggestion is to take a picture of whatever you eat. Visual reminders of what you ate that day can be very powerful. 

This time of the year everyone goes into the typical "resolutions" route. Something along the lines of eat "healthier" and "exercise more"....that shit is way to general to track. Plus how many years have you said that? We need specific data we can track, monitor, and evaluate (more on this in a later post). We need things to train, challenges. Who the hell wants to "train" for 20 minutes on the treadmill? 

The first event is the PSKC Turkish Get Up Challenge I've laid out to the current members. The first male that does a TGU with the 106lb bell will receive 12 free sessions, the first lady who rocks a TGU with a 70 lber will win 12 sessions. Now the first person who comes to the gym and says "there's no way I can ever do that heavy of a weight" know what you can do? you'll owe me 10 of them for being negative. After you recover from the tenth one..I'll kindly ask how do you know you can't do that much? Just because you can't do it right now doesn't mean if you won't be able to do it in the future. What I want to see is a steady progression of becoming stronger....setting specific goals will help us get there. Before you can do a get up with a 106, you need to be able to do the 70 and so forth...

Also sometime in the spring we are going to put on the first ever PSKC Kettlebell Challenge. No event in the Portsmouth area truly tests both your strength and conditioning. Power lifting meets test your maximal strength and 5Ks test your endurance...but what about both? Enter the PSKC Kettlebell Challenge. We are working the details but initially some of the events we're looking at doing are:

  1. Max Strict Pullups or Flexed Arm Hang for the chicks
  2. KB Strict Press
  3. 5 minute KB Snatch test (max reps of in 5 minutes)
  4. 1/2 mile farmers carry (run/walk a 1/2 mile carrying 2 kettlebells) 
  5. Surprise finisher
After the event is over we'll award prizes to the top finishers, fire up the grill and break out the Miller Lite. 

So as you can see we've got some great things in store for this year. I'm truly excited to see you guys this week...for some it's gonna be a lil painful for being gone so long...but we'll get there..TOGETHER. This Monday don't forget you've got the 6 and 7pm is the time!

So here's a little homework...does your swing suck? Here's some vids to help out..

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