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Sunday, December 11, 2011

USMC/PSKC Part III - Saturday 17DEC

It's that time again! On Saturday 17DEC at 0900, PSKC will open up its doors to host future Marines and warriors of our nation. We will put them through a few hours of physical training and team building workouts designed to better prepare them for recruit training.

I'm calling on your support to make this happen again. We will need volunteers to help run the event smoothly. The last two times have been outstanding. This time we are going to step it up a notch and really provide a mission focused event for these young men and women that will test their physical and mental strength and most importantly teach them to work as a team under stress.

We need at least 8-10 volunteers to be assigned to each squad of future Marines and help guide them their mission. Please email and or Facebook me to let me know ASAP if you are able to volunteer your time to help out. Once I get the cadre of instructors together, I will email you out your assignments and how the day will flow. Trust won't want to miss it.

This week we worked a multiple of movements and skills and also got a chance to work on some time based workouts. On Monday we went the classic Training Room "2 minute torture" ...see below for an example of what one round looks like.

Then for Tuesday's Mudder workout, we stole a page from SOF WODs for the workout.
Every minute on the minute you complete:
20 squats
30 pushups
25 (4 count) flutter kicks
12 pullups
1 minute of jump rope
Repeat this sequence for 45 minutes!
the pregnant pride of Sardina

Wednesday we combined heavy deadlifting and handstand pushups for the skill, then went into a finisher of:

5 rounds
Power Clean 105/75 - 12
Box Jump - 12
such an inspiration!
get some Kevin! Our favorite retiree killing HSPUs
On Thursday, we worked some Olympic lifting with the Snatch then the workout was:
 Double KB Squat 44s/26s
Push Press 115/85
10-9-8-7-6…all the way down to 1

Friday we worked on pistols with rope climbs then hit up a triplet of 
Wall Ball
KB High Pulls
1st rope climb!

Saturday of course was our weekly Pain Clinic...
Definition of partner suffering

See you guys tomorrow for the 9am and 6pm classes. Get up the great work and don't give into the temptation of "taking the holidays off". Continue to strive and's the best gift you can give yourself..

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