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Monday, July 18, 2011

Tough Mudder and this Week's Schedule:

Mustaches are optional...

Indy Tough Mudder is approaching! 12 miles of brutality in the freezing cold...PSKC has a team registered and anyone is welcome to take the challenge if you think you're up to it by clicking HERE.

You need to be conditioned to handle 3-4 hours of running, climbing, obstacles, and generally "embracing the suck". But remember...

"greatness is only possible when challenge is present" - Josh Bunch

To start training some of us hit up a rather hilly 7.2 trail run/walk/climb in Shawnee forest on Sunday. So to better prepare the tribe for the Mudder, starting this week we are launching....

Each week on Tuesday the workouts will be designed to last in the 30-50 minute range. For example on Friday Shep did this little number...

3 Rounds
Legion Run
50 box jumps
50 burpees

It took the majority of folks around 40 minutes and they all universally proclaimed "thaaaat suuuuucked".

The purpose of these Tuesday "endurance" efforts will be train the body for higher volume as well as the mind to develop the "one foot in front of the other" mentality. This will come in very handy when you're on mile 6 of the Mudder...

Don't worry we will be providing modified options for all members to accomodate ALL levels. These sessions aren't just for people who are doing the Tough Mudder. It will benefit I better not see anyone pussing out on Tuesdays.


Also, because of some good feedback we are going to test run a Friday evening class. This class will start at 5pm on Fridays. This will allow you guys to come straight from work, knock out an awesome training session and enjoy the rest of your Friday evening. The first Friday evening class will begin this Friday (July 22nd).

If, however, after a few Fridays we are not averaging good numbers for this class (7-10). We will remove it from the schedule. So it's up to you all to keep it on the schedule!


PSKC needs volunteers!! This weekend July 23 and 24th. We are helping run (concession stand, collect tickets, etc) a softball tournament for Preston Messer at Doc Singleton park on the West Side. All the money we receive for helping out will go right to the Equipment Fund to purchase more Olympic bars and bumpers. We already have a few volunteers, but the more the merrier and it will help lessen the burden. We will start at 8am each day and plan on being there all day. Get ahold of me via email: if you can help out and help get the gym more Oly lifting gear!

See you guys at the compound!

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